Bag and cartridge filters

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These filters are designed for the filtration of open sections of conveyors at overfills, as well as containers and bunkers with overpressure and suspensions of dry, non-sticking dust in the air. They work by returning the material back to the workflow without additional overfills. The filters provide a purification degree of 99.99%. The filter material consists of a cartridge or filter pocket made of needle-filled material, with a working temperature of up to 180°C.


The filter cabinet is a modular system designed to filter air from various types of dry, non-sticking dust. It is typically installed in areas of auto and railway unloading and on receiving bins. Its key feature is its compact design, making it suitable for narrow sections. Additionally, it allows for the return of material to the process without the need for additional equipment. The filter operates at a temperature of up to 180°C. The filter material is a cylindrical needle-filled bag.


Breathing filters are designed for the ventilation of bunkers and silos. They provide necessary air purification and maintain the standard emission concentration by filtering the dusty air that escapes during the filling of tanks. Their key feature is the absence of a draft machine, as the filter operates from the naturally created overpressure of closed containers. They operate at a temperature of up to 180°C. The filter material is a cylindrical needle-filled bag.


The cylindrical bag filter and filter cyclone (cyclofilter) operate based on centrifugal force from tangential entry. They are designed for an organized system of gas cleaning and aspiration in industrial processes. This filter requires the installation of a central draft system and the ability to connect to multiple dusting points. The purification degree is 99.9%. They operate at a temperature of up to 180°C. The filter material is a cylindrical needle-filled bag.


The cassette-bag filter is designed for centralized or local installation in industrial process aspiration systems. It requires a centralized draft unit and can be connected to multiple dusting points. Settled dust from the hoppers is discharged by a dust discharger into a collecting hopper or back into the technological process. The purification degree is 99.9%. It operates at a temperature of up to 180°C. The filter material is a cylindrical needle-filled bag.

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