Cyclone fans

We’ve got your needs covered

Whether you need fans for warehouses, factories, or other industrial settings, our team is committed to providing custom solutions that fit your exact requirements. With years of experience in fan manufacturing, we guarantee that each product meets the highest standards of reliability and efficiency


Cyclones 4BCSH are designed for cleaning air of medium dispersion dust in pneumatic conveying and aspiration systems at grain storage and processing enterprises, food industry and agricultural enterprises. The air to be cleaned by the device must not contain moisture or sticky abrasive inclusions.


The VZP-1300 cyclone dust collectors are designed for purification of waste air, which is removed from technological equipment by aspiration and pneumatic conveying systems. They are used across many industries for cleaning air from grain and construction dust, flue gases, sand, clay, cement, silicate, asbestos, and other types of contaminants.


Dust collectors VZP-M-1300 are used for air purification from sand, clay, cement, silicate, asbestos, and other types of dust. These cyclones are particularly good at capturing fine, fibrous and sticky dust. They are designed to be used in various industries to clean air removed from technological equipment by aspiration and pneumatic conveying systems.


Dry cyclones of the SIOT type are designed for coarse and medium cleaning of air and gases from non-sticky, non-fiber dust and for air purification from lime dust. They are used for dry cleaning of gas-air mixtures released during technological processes such as drying, firing, fuel combustion, and sintering. It does not feature a cylindrical part to enhance airflow and separation efficiency.


SK-CN-34 cyclones are used for flue gas cleaning, air purification from fine dust, and other solid particles, and are highly effective in dealing with soot. They are often utilized in carbon black production, catalytic cracking units, and boiler rooms.

CN 15-600

CN 15-600 cyclones are designed to remove dry dust particles from the gaseous medium. They are used in various industries, such as crushing and grinding plants, pneumatic conveying of bulk materials, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical, machine building, and more. Cyclones can be manufactured in single or group designs, with inner diameters ranging from 300 to 1400 mm. Group cyclones are made up of two, four, six, or eight units, and can be built with either left or right rotation of the gas flow.


COK cyclones are used to clean dry dust from the air, proving very effective with dust containing a high percentage of abrasive materials. They can work with sticky dust, but only the dust contained in talcum powder or soot. COK cyclones are used in metalworking shops, sharpening and deburring plants, etc.


COL cyclones are designed to capture coarse and medium (over 120 microns) grain dust in aspiration units of elevators, woodworking enterprises, and grain processing and storage enterprises with possible subsequent air purification in more powerful second-stage cyclones.

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