Heavy-duty blowers
Engineered for high-performance applications to deliver powerful, reliable air movement in demanding industrial environments!
Whether you need fans for warehouses, factories, or other industrial settings, our team is committed to providing custom solutions that fit your exact requirements. With years of experience in fan manufacturing, we guarantee that each product meets the highest standards of reliability and efficiency
High-pressure centrifugal fans of one-sided (D) and two-sided (DH2) suction types are designed primarily for the extraction of flue gases from the furnaces of stationary steam boilers with a capacity of up to 640 t/h. Additionally, these fans are used in industrial installations for the transportation of non-aggressive gases that contain dust levels of up to 2 g/m³, with abrasiveness comparable to flue ash. The fans are equipped with flat, forward-curved impeller blades with both right and left direction of rotation. They are designed to operate at a maximum gas temperature of +250°C.
High-pressure single-suction smoke exhaust fans of type D are specifically designed for extracting flue gases from steam furnaces in stationary boilers with a capacity of up to 640 t/h. These fans are also suitable for use in various technological installations, where they transport non-aggressive gases containing particulate dust up to 2 g/m³, with an abrasiveness similar to that of flue ash. The maximum temperature of the flue gases entering the fan should not exceed +250°C. The working wheel of these fans features flat, forward-curved blades, with both right and left direction of rotation.
VVN fans of single-sided suction type are designed for the pneumatic conveyingation of non-aggressive gases. These fans are equipped with gas cleaning systems for various technological plants, as well as dust preparation systems for steam stationary boilers with different steam capacities. They are particularly effective in the grinding of solid non-corrosive gases and the grinding of solid non-explosive fuels. The fans are capable of operating in environments with gas dustiness up to 80 g/m³ at temperatures in the volute as low as -30°C, and the maximum permissible temperature of the transported gases is +200°C.ust. The fans can be started up
Hot blast fans and recirculation smoke pumps are used in drying and preparation systems, for fuel, in flue gas recirculation systems in boiler units and in the technological lines of metallurgical and other industries. The design of hot blast fans and recirculation smoke pumps is fundamentally similar. Both types of fans feature impellers made of heat-resistant steel. Additionally, a cooling system is integrated into the running gear shaft to ensure optimal performance and prevent overheating. The maximum permissible temperature of the medium entering hot blast fans and recirculation smoke pumps is +400°C.
Centrifugal fans of the single-sided suction types VDN and VD are designed for air supply to stationary steam boilers with steam capacities ranging from 35 to 960 t/h. These fans can also be used in technological installations for moving clean air. The maximum allowable air temperature at the fan inlet is +100°C. The impeller blades vary by model with some featuring backward-bent blades, some – forward-bent sheet blades, some – hollow profiled blades and some – sheet blades ending radially.
Centrifugal fans of type VVDN are designed for transporting non-aggressive gases in gas cleaning plants and other industrial installations at temperatures up to +200°C. Fans are produced in left and right direction of rotation.
The DN type centrifugal fans are used for removing flue gases from steam boiler combustion chambers (up to 320 t/h) and for transporting non-aggressive gases with a dust content up to 2 g/m³ in technological installations. The fans feature single suction and flat, backward-curved blades.
They are available in two rotational directions (right and left) and are suitable for use in both gas and oil boilers. The fans are designed to handle flue gases with a maximum temperature of +250°C, and dust content up to 2 g/m³.
VM Mill Fans (VM, VM-Dl, and VM-I) are designed for pneumatic conveying of coal dust in fuel preparation systems for solid fuel boilers. The VM-Dl fans are equipped with additional anti-wear blades. The rotor blades of the VM-I model are protected with an overlay of an abrasion-resistant alloy. The internal surface of the spiral is protected with replaceable plates made of low-carbon steel.