High pressure fans

We’ve got your needs covered

Whether you need fans for warehouses, factories, or other industrial settings, our team is committed to providing custom solutions that fit your exact requirements. With years of experience in fan manufacturing, we guarantee that each product meets the highest standards of reliability and efficiency


High pressure centrifugal fans VVD are used for air conditioning, ventilation, heating, supplying air to cupolas and drying ovens, in ventilation systems of grain elevators and deep mines, and for transporting dust and light bulk materials.They have a single suction, a spiral swivel body, and 12 forward curved shoulder blades, with either right or left rotation. They handle a temperature range of +80°C, a dust content limit of 100 mg/m³, and are compatible with moderate climate conditions, operating within temperatures from -40°C to +40°C.

Fans VC6-28 (VR132-30)

Centrifugal fans VC6-28 (VR132-30) are used in industrial ventilation, air conditioning, and other sanitary production systems. They are made from carbon steel, stainless steel, dissimilar metals, or aluminum alloy. They feature a single suction design, a spiral swivel body, direct and belt drive, and 16 back-curved blades, with both right and left rotation options. The fans are compatible with moderate and tropical climates of the 2nd and 3rd placement categories and operate in temperature from -40°C to +40°C (up to +45°C for tropical fans).

VC 10-28

VC 10-28 are used in industrial ventilation, grain elevators, pneumatic conveying units, and other sanitary production systems. They are made from carbon steel, stainless steel, dissimilar metals, or aluminum alloy, featuring a single suction design, spiral swivel body, direct drive and 48 forward-curved blades, with both right and left rotation options. The ambient temperature range is from -40°C to +40°C (up to +45°C for tropical fans). VC 10-28 is compatible with moderate and tropical climates of the 2nd category, handling air and gas of up to +80 ° C with no solid impurities greater than 0.1 g/m³.

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